Hire a Person with Disabilities
Consider hiring a person with disabilities – you might be surprised
Does your business need employees? Employers are starting to see that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities can be hard working and dedicated employees. A national sudy from the Insititute for Corporate Productivity found that three quarters of businesses hiring workers with intellectual and developmental disabilities report a positive experience, with one third saying the experience exceeded their expectations. Among the positives, these businesses listed were an inclusive and diverse workforce: good talent matches for the job, motivated and dependable employees, and even increased customer loyalty. While your business benefits from having a good employee, like all of us, individuals with disabilities benefit from having a good job.
Marie Mills Center has been placing individuals into jobs for over 30 years – it is not new to us.
Everyone wins when you hire the people from Marie Mills
-Dick Crossley, Tillamook Country Smoker

How Marie Mills Center can help your business
We train individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities work skills and proper work habits. These individuals have worked on Marie Mills Center crews learning the proper work skills and habits necessary for businesses such as yours.
If you hire an individual we refer to your business, our involvement will not stop there. We will help the individual transition successfully into their new job and we will always be available to support that person to assure success on the job. Also, we will always be there for you as we recognize your importance as an employer and your needs.
If you have a need for an employee or would like to find out more about Marie Mills Center Employment Services, call Cindy Green at 503-842-2539 ext. 1400.