About Marie Mills Foundation
Marie Mills was the daughter of Lewis Hunt Mills and Barbara Schetky Mills. Marie, a very special person born with a disability, passed away in 1962 at the too early age of 13. However, her “specialness” was not because of her disability, it was because of her inspiration. Marie’s family encouraged, taught and supported her in living a full life in spite of her disabilities. She learned to ride a bike, she was a Camp Fire Girl, and she had a pony. She even served tea to President Kennedy when he visited Tillamook many years ago.
In many ways, Marie was well ahead of her time and because of this she taught others around her that anything was possible if one had desire and support. What Marie inspired in her family and friends during her short time among us is what benefits those with disabilities today.
– Helen Schetky Benscheidt, Aunt of Marie Mills

Evelyn Marie Mills
History of the Marie Mills Foundation…
Marie’s inspiration led to the creation of the Marie Mills Center. Her inspiration also led to the creation of the Marie Mills Center Foundation in 2002 to benefit Marie Mills Center programs for the intellectually and developmentally disabled and to assure that Marie’s inspiration lives for many years to come.
Purpose of the Foundation…
The Marie Mills Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization that is separate from the Marie Mills Center. It was incorporated as a 501-C-3 Organization in August of 2002 with its sole purpose being to support Marie Mills Center programs, enabling the Center to meet the needs of those served that otherwise could not be met, and also ensuring the future of Marie Mills Center, Inc. The Marie Mills Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors dedicated to Marie’s inspiration and the needs of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.